BIO_CITRINA Synergistic Supplement Program for metabolic Support and Accelerated Fat Loss.

TriFect fat buster pack is a synergistic supplement program containing Hydroxycittic Acid aka (Garcinia Cambogia), Forskohlin (Forslean), Acetyl L-Carnitine, Chromate and Bioperin.


These ingredients in combination are very powerful biological synergists, designed to reduce fat production, mobilize fat from the adipose, increase thermogenic response and suppress the appetite.


Studies demonstrate that the combination of these products work to potentiate the bioactivity of one or more of the ingredients, thus achieving better results.


Call 1-855-50-NO-FAT to get your starter pack.



Americans are still confused or don’t know where to begin in the world of health and fitness.

We are bombarded every day with messages from the diet industry that losing weight should be easy. There are health clubs

on every block and every time you turn on the t.v. there’s a new infomercial for an exercise machine, a new pill that claims to

speed up your metabolism, or a new diet that claims to make you lose weight if you eat only certain foods. If all of that is true,

why are 50% of American adults still overweight and 25% clinically obese?

The answer is simple: the health and fitness industry is a selfish industry, and it has fed Americans false information to keep

you confused and keep you on the yo-yo diet cycle. Stop listening to the lies, take control and do not let anyone tell you how

your body should be. You need to be the architect of your own plan.

I will help you overcome all the false promises the fitness industry ever made to you

through television, radio, billboards and magazines. We are constantly being

told that we need to lose weight but no one has given us any realistic way to do this. Well we at ABS Club LA have found the secret to this problem. It’s called the “Blueprint”.  Call us at 1-855-50-NO-FAT



Losing weight can be a challenging and sometimes frustrating journey. It requires perseverance and dedication, as results may not always come as quickly as we hope. However, it’s important to stay motivated and not give up.

The process of gaining weight often happens gradually over weeks, months, or even years, so it is only natural that shedding those extra pounds will take time as well. It’s crucial to have realistic expectations and be patient with yourself throughout the process.

Remember that your weight loss journey should be about your own well-being and not solely for the approval or validation of others. Focusing on your own health and happiness can provide the intrinsic motivation needed to keep going.

While embarking on this journey alone is possible, having support from friends, family, or professionals can make a significant difference. They can provide encouragement, guidance, and accountability, which can be crucial for long-term success.


It’s important to believe in yourself and your ability to achieve your weight loss goals. With determination, persistence, and a healthy lifestyle that includes regular exercise and a balanced diet, you can make steady progress towards a healthier weight and overall well-being.

Maintaining motivation during a weight-loss journey can be challenging but is absolutely achievable. Here are some tips to help stay inspired and driven:

  1. Set Realistic Goals: Setting manageable goals can help provide a sense of direction. It’s important these goals are achievable and realistic, setting too ambitious goals can lead to disappointment and loss of motivation if they’re not met.

  2. Celebrate Small Victories: Every pound lost is a success, and it needs to be celebrated. Acknowledge your small victories to keep your spirits high and fuel your motivation.

  3. Stay Positive: Keep a positive mindset. Negative feelings can cause discouragement, while positive ones can boost your motivation.

  4. Keep a Journal: Documenting your progress in a journal can provide visible evidence of your success and help keep you motivated. You can also use the journal to track your meals, workouts, sleep, and feelings or setbacks.

  5. Exercise Regularly: Regular physical activity not only aids in weight loss but can also improve mood and provide a sense of well-being.

  6. Get Social Support: Share your journey with friends, family, or join a weight-loss group. They can provide emotional support, motivation, and accountability.

  7. Visualize Success: Visualization can create a powerful motivation. Imagine yourself achieving your weight loss goals and how it would make you feel.

  8. Plan Your Meals: Planning and prepping meals in advance can help maintain a healthy eating habit and deter you from indulging in unhealthy foods.

  9. Reward Yourself (Not With Food): Treat yourself to something special when you reach a milestone. This can be a new outfit, a book, or even a vacation.

  10. Be Patient: Remember that weight loss is a journey and that healthy, sustainable weight loss happens gradually. If you do not see immediate results, do not lose heart.

Remember, motivation can fluctuate, and that is okay. The key is to not let temporary setbacks discourage you from your ultimate goal.




“Sexy is not a Look – it’s a Feeling”


It’s a feeling you get when you’ve worked your ass off at the gym and later someone gives you a compliment.

It’s basically a feeling you get when you’ve worked hard to achieve a goal and people eventually notice.

The clothes you were about to throw out suddenly fit in all the right places and look amazing on you.


When all is said and done, you do need to put some effort in all that you do, to arrive at a place where people notice a positive change in you. Change then begets compliments and compliments get you to push harder and so the cycle begins.

For some it can become an addiction for perfection. This can become dangerous and lead to anything from an obsession with building your body all the way to anorexia.


Folks, I’m pretty sure you already know but it never hurts to get a reminder that balance is everything.




With Blinders.

On a day much like today I had a lady come in for coaching but as she walked in she seemed sad and down on herself, So me, being in a happy mood all the time, I asked her how she was doing and if she was ready for coaching. She replied by saying I dont really want to do my numbers today! So as I’m inputing the numbers into the computer I looked over and noticed she was crying.

Her results were:

Her weight is the same but her muscle went up and her fat went down.

I told her the results and that frown turned into a big smile.

So if we hadn’t done the coaching she would have gone on thinking she messed up. Its very important to keep muscle and build it up especially women. Dont be afraid.

